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‘Chosen Tuesdays’ bring the Bible alive as we watch, on the big screen, episodes from The Chosen – a fantastic film series depicting the life of Jesus, based on the gospels. We then have a brief discussion about what we found helpful, surprising, encouraging.
Notes are provided with Bible passages to read and questions for personal reflection during the week.
Each film is usually suitable for anyone from high school or older and combines scenes from the Bible, featuring Jesus and his followers, together with some fictional scenes and characters to help tell the story.
Season 2 will run each Tuesday from 1st October to the 19th November.
Doors open at 7.15pm – with free refreshments available – and the film begins at 7,30pm.
We always aim to finish around 9pm.
If you can’t come every week, come whenever you can.
Whether or not you would call yourself a Christian, Chosen Tuesdays are for you.
Don’t miss out on the Big Screen experience!