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We are so grateful for the generosity of people that enable Foundry Community Church to fulfil our vision of helping our community.
Foundry Community Church only operates because of the generosity of those people who give to the continued work of the church.
We take up an offering each week for people who wish to support the work of Foundry Community Church, alternatively you can give online, just follow the instructions below.
There are several ways to give:
You can make a regular or one off donation using our secure online process by clicking here.
You can also give to the church directly through your online banking either by a one-off gift or setting up a standing order. For this you will need the following details:
Name of account: The Foundry
Bank name: Natwest
Branch name: Widnes
Sort code: 60-19-24
Account number: 28382064
You can give at any of our Sunday services by completing the details on a giving envelope and placing it in the offering box at the back of the Main Arena. We also take up an offering each week.
If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give we can claim 25p back from HMRC. You must pay an amount of income tax equal to the tax reclaimed on your donations. For further information or to inform us of a change in your circumstances please contact our admin team on 0151 420 8837.