Roots & Shoots – Part 2

Roots & Shoots – Part 2


Bible Passage: Acts 2:1-13

Preacher: Ste Greenow

Series: Roots & Shoots

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Roots & Shoots – Part 2

Acts 2:1-13

Everything changed for the Early Church at Pentecost as the Holy Spirit came and filled them. Who is the Holy Spirit, and how can he change our lives today? 

Questions for Reflection

  1. What has been your experience of the Holy Spirit? 
  2. Looking at Acts 2:1-4, what sticks out to you? 
  3. Read John 14:15-27, and John 16:5-15 – how does Jesus explain who the Holy Spirit is and what he will do? 
  4. Jesus described the Holy Spirit using a Greek word “Parakletos”, meaning “to come alongside” – how might the Holy Spirit help you in your life by coming alongside you? 
  5. Have you had any experience of God giving you a spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)?  

Whether you are going through these questions in a Connect Group, or on your own, why not spend some time asking the Holy Spirit to fill you.  

Series Links

Here are some other talks from the same series: "Roots & Shoots"