Roots & Shoots – Part 5

Roots & Shoots – Part 5


Bible Passage: Acts 5:1-11

Preacher: Di Daniels

Series: Roots & Shoots

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Roots & Shoots – Part 5

Acts 5:1-11

It was early days for the early church….people were being saved, the church was growing, miracles were happening. What came next was a bit of a curved ball….!

Questions for Reflection 

  1. What stands out to you most in Acts 4:32 –37?
  2. Ananias & his wife Sapphira ‘plotted together’ to keep back some of the money from the sale of the land for themselves. 

When you have financial (or other) decisions to make whose advice do you seek?

3. How do we invest in eternity now?

Series Links

Here are some other talks from the same series: "Roots & Shoots"