Mission & Vision


Our mission is to become more like Jesus.

Here’s how we live this out:

Know – Jesus invites us all to know Him and experience life with Him.

Grow – Jesus invites us all on a journey of discovery, curiosity, and transformation.

Go – Jesus invites us all to live out His love in our communities.


By 2035, we see a church that is growing spiritually, living generously and impacting communities.

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:6-7

Growing Spiritually

As part of our vision, we are passionate about the opportunity we all have to grow spiritually, which is in line with our mission to become more like Jesus.

We do this through Table Communities.

Table Communities are about reflecting the early church in Acts 2; sharing with one another, eating together and supporting each other.

Table Communities:

Alpha: a space to be curious about faith. Find out more about our next Alpha course here. 

Practising the Way: a space to develop your faith. Find out more about our next Practising the Way course here.

Community Groups: a space to live out your faith. Find out more about Community Groups here. 

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25

Living Generously

Our heart is to be a generous people, which we believe reflects how generous God is. Generosity is who God is.

God is our provider, he is self-giving, others-centred, joyful, sacrificial and generous with his love. Generosity is grounded in the very nature of God.

We see God’s generosity at work in creation and at the heart of the gospel.

Living generously is about being generous with our money, our time, our relationships, our gifting, our power, our influence, and our encouragement to name just a few things.


Generosity is who God is, and in turn, we want to be a generous people in our communities.

Opportunities to live generously:

Making a donation: as a church we exist solely on the generosity of people within our church community. To make a donation and partner with us on our mission and vision, you can find out more here.

Volunteer: we have numerous opportunities to volunteer either on a Sunday, or throughout the week. Find out more here.

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.

Matthew 25:35-36

Impacting Communities

As we look to Jesus, we see how helping people was central to his mission.

As a church we feel there are four key areas of focus that God has placed on our heart for missional growth; providing homes, meals, refuge and family.

Providing Homes

God has gifted us with land that for over 30 years has been used to house the over-60s, widows, people struggling with addiction, and more recently refugees.

We want to see this mission field grow, and to do this we need to make more space for growth. As part of future plans for our site, we want to increase the number of homes available on the church site by an additional 20 over the next 10 years.

Providing Meals

Since 2020 we have provided over 12,000 meals through Lunch Club and our Kitchen Cupboard. This number represents families who have been struggling to make ends meet, whether that’s through COVID, the cost-of-living crisis, or other circumstances.

Helping people as they face food insecurity through Lunch Club and Kitchen Cupboard has positioned us to support some of the most vulnerable in our community.

We want to see this provision continue; alongside opportunities to expand how we provide meals. Our key priority for this is to have a community cafe that is available to provide low-cost meals for people facing food insecurity.

Providing Refuge

In recent years we have partnered with external organisations; Welcome Churches, Sanctuary Foundation, Trinity Safe Space and A Better Tomorrow – all with the focus of welcoming asylum seekers and refugees in our community.

The support we have provided has varied depending on the need, and we feel God is calling us to lean into this further over the next 10 years. We want our church building to be a support hub, a place of refuge, in the heart of Widnes.

Providing Family

Since 2017 we have partnered with Home For Good, Safe Families, Halton Fostering and Adoption Matters who all have a heart to look after vulnerable children.

We want to be a church that champions family by raising awareness of the needs of vulnerable children, and inspiring individuals to explore fostering and adoption.

Our desire is to be a people, and a building, that provides refuge and family.


As a church we are a member of the Evangelical Alliance, and our beliefs are in line with their statement of faith.

You can read the full statement of faith here.